P2 Results

P2 Results

About the Project


The P2 Results Data System was designed to collect readily available data on pollution prevention (sometimes also called waste reduction and resource efficiency) efforts from public agencies and programs across the country. The aggregation of P2 results data helps demonstrate the scope of activities by P2 programs and the resulting improvements by their clients. The System quantifies P2 progress related to air pollution, water pollution, water resources, hazardous and solid waste, greenhouse gases, and energy resources and helps to:

  • communicate the activities and accomplishments of the state and local agencies and programs
  • improve program management
  • measure progress toward goals
  • provide program funders with relevant activity and outcome information
  • influence policy development

Overall, this information gives managers, funders, and the public a better sense of the benefits of pollution prevention.

Available Data

The System enables users to browse and search the Database and design their own aggregated reports on P2 Results. These reports can include:

  • Activity measures (e.g., numbers of trainings, numbers of technical assistance site visits)
  • Behavioral results (e.g., number of clients that developed P2 Policies, number reporting compliance improvements)
  • Outcome measures (e.g., pounds of hazardous waste reduced, gallons of water conserved)

Users can search the Database for state, regional, or national results for designated periods of time. Reports can also be generated for activities and results that were funded by EPA grants and those funded by other sources.

Registered users have a user name and password that allows them to input data, and view a report that summarizes all of their data.

Who Is Behind This Effort

The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) created the P2 Results Data System. The U.S. EPA funded their work on the System along with support for the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR). The National P2 Measurement Results Task Force, comprised of representatives from state P2 programs, EPA Headquarters and Regions, P2Rx Centers, and NPPR, developed a core set of P2 measures - the Data Dictionary - which is the System's foundation. The Task Force provides ongoing oversight of the System. View a fact sheet about the P2 Results Task Force to learn more about it.

To join the P2 Results Taskforce, email

How to Participate

If you work with a P2 program and would like to participate by contributing data and/or joining the P2 Results Task Force, contact Andy Bray, (617) 367-8558 x306 to receive a user name and password.

To share data through the System, contact your P2Rx Center for support:

EPA Regions 1 & 2

Andy Bray
617-367-8558 x306

EPA Regions 3 & 4

Ken O'Hara

EPA Region 5

Laura Barnes

EPA Region 6

Thomas Vinson

EPA Region 7

Rick Yoder

EPA Region 8

Myla Kelly

EPA Region 9

Chris Wiley

EPA Region 10

Ken Grimm

History of the P2 Results Data System

The P2 Results Data System evolved out of work conducted by the P2Rx Centers in EPA Regions 1, 2, and 10. In 2001- 2002, the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC), the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange Center (P2Rx) for EPA Region 10 created a P2 Results Measurement Tool with funding from the Region and Oregon's Department of Environmental Quality. Local and state P2 program managers in the Northwest contributed to the development of this Tool. At the same time, the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA), the P2Rx Center for EPA Regions 1 and 2, was developing a core set of P2 measures and creating a desktop tool for P2 Programs in the region to use to track their work. This effort led to the creation of the Pollution Prevention and Assistance Tracker (P2@) with initial funding provided by EPA Region 1. Local and state P2 program managers in the Northeast contributed to the development of this tool.

In 2003 - 2004, PPRC and NEWMOA combined their work along with the other P2Rx Centers and NPPR to start working collaboratively on the development of a National P2 Results Data System. NPPR issued a Memorandum of Agreement that state and local P2 programs from all over the U.S. signed to show their commitment to sharing P2 data and to show support for the the development of the System.

In 2006, this collaboration launched the first version of the P2 Results Data System, and until 2012 the System was managed as a distributed platform with individual regional modules residing and collecting data on the websites of each P2Rx Center. However, the Centers found over time that supporting such a decentralized database was increasingly difficult to maintain and upgrade and hard to analyze at a national level. In 2012, the Centers consolidated their data on to a single national P2 Results Data System platform.

Starting in 2005, the development of the System has been funded through a series of grants from the EPA National Environmental Information Exchange Network (NEIEN) and awarded to NEWMOA and PPRC and other partners as contracts with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment from 2005 to 2007, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality from 2007 to 2009, and the Washington Department of Ecology from 2010 to 2012. NEWMOA, PPRC, the other P2Rx Centers, and the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) developed and implemented the System under the framework of the National P2 Measurement Results Task Force. The Task Force is comprised of representatives from state and local P2 programs, P2Rx Centers, and EPA Headquarters and Regions. The Task Force has developed an evolving set of P2 measures that is described in the Data Dictionary. The Task Force has used the information from the Data System to prepare reports every three years that aggregate and present national P2 results. Prior to 2004 these reports were compiled from hard copy surveys.